The latest news from the agricultural sector
USDA’s Agricultural Research Technology Center Breaks Ground in Davis, CA
Advances in crop production and preservation are poised for new digs as the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) Agricultural Research Service (ARS) broke ground today for a modernized facility to... Read more
Microbial Allies May Help Turn Tables on Tar Spot Fungus in Corn
Agricultural Research Service (ARS) scientists are leaving no stone—or rather, leaf—unturned in their search for new ways to counter the fungus that causes tar spot, a yield-robbing disease of field... Read more
tar spot fungus in corn
Do Adult Cicadas Actually Feed on Anything?
Every so often, cicadas emerge above ground and blanket the earth with their exoskeletons while emitting a high-pitched chirp from sunrise to sunset. The periodical cicadas in the genus
Magicicada... Read more
cicadas magicicada
Geospatial Technology Can Help Corn Producers Assess Potential Wind Damage in Fields
As cornfields suffer crop damage caused by weather, corn producers can use geospatial and remote sensing technologies to get a more accurate measurement of the damage and estimate potential economic... Read more
geospatial sensing remote sensing crop loss
Study Finds Wildfire Isn't Primary Factor in Invasive Annual Grass Expansion in Great Basin
Scientists examined the assumption that wildfires are the primary factor driving the expansion of invasive annual grasses that are taking over shrubland and grassland in the U.S. Great Basin and found... Read more
invasive annual grasses in the great basin post-fire restoration annual grass management ars range and meadow forage management research unit working lands for wildlife
Agricultural Research Service Develops Long-Term Roadmap for PFAS in U.S. Agriculture
The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA)’s Agricultural Research Service (ARS) today announced several key outcomes from a workshop to develop a research roadmap that would lead to short and... Read more
New Oat Ready for Active Duty Against Crown Rust Disease
A team of Agricultural Research Service (ARS) and university scientists has released two new oat germplasm lines to shore up the cereal crop’s defenses against its most devastating fungal disease,... Read more
Targeted Grazing, A Successful & Low-Cost Method to Manage Cheatgrass When Timed Properly
For media inquiries contact: Maribel Alonso, (301) 467-0667 Read more
Pitting Good Versus Bad Fungi on Sweet Corn: A Delicate Dance
The same defenses that help some varieties of sweet corn resist fungal diseases can also stymie the potency of a beneficial fungus used to kill hungry caterpillar pests, studies by Agricultural... Read more
Scientists Ratchet Up Key Amino Acid in Corn
Experimental lines of field corn developed by a team of Agricultural Research Service (ARS) and university scientists will usher in new commercial hybrids offering high-methionine grain. Read more
field corn high-methionine corn organic poultry corn insects and crop genetics research unit
Nature Preserve Vintage Museum Collection, Modern Research Intersect in Century-Long Bee Study
At a tranquil nature reserve in South Michigan, an Agricultural Research Service (ARS) scientist and her collaborators connected olden wild bee sample collections and modern technology to better... Read more
Scientists Seek a Balance Between Crop Production and Protecting the Environment
Scientists at the USDA's Agricultural Research Service (ARS), Northern Plains Agricultural Research Laboratory (NPARL), in Sidney, Montana, completed a study that shows the use of continuous cropping... Read more
greenhouse gas emissions