The latest news from the agricultural sector

Dutch farmers worried by 'unrealistic' emissions reduction target
Anger is building at the government plans to slash nitrogen and ammonia emissions by 2030, with fears farmers will be unable to cope. Read more
agriculture netherlands climate protection

Can we grow crops that aren't affected by the changing climate?
Will it be possible to feed the planet in a warmer world? The production of key crops like cereals can be hit hard by heatwaves and droughts. Climate Now meets the scientists attempting to uncover and... Read more
agriculture global warming and climate change food partner: copernicus climate crisis weather

Climate Now: How can we feed the world with a warming planet?
As climate change alters our weather systems, how can the agricultural industry adapt to a warming world? Read more
agriculture global warming and climate change wheat food security biodiversity water shortage

Wine and Rum: Angolan producers thrive domestically and eye up the global market
With a soil and climate that allow two harvests a year, Angola’s Velho do Bero vineyard in Namibe Province is an example of how growers are meeting demand on the domestic market. In Benguela Province,... Read more
agriculture wine alcohol africa angola

Interactive: Compare satellite images to see extent of Italy's drought
The Po River valley in northern Italy is in the grip of its worst drought for 70 years. These pictures help show just how bad it has become. Read more
agriculture drought european space agency river italy

From sand to spuds: How Algeria galvanised its agricultural sector
From sand to spuds: How Algeria galvanised its agricultural sector Read more
agriculture food algeria
USDA Seeks Organizations to Nominate Members to the United Sorghum Checkoff Program Board
The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) is accepting applications from sorghum associations and farm organizations interested in nominating sorghum producers to the United Sorghum Checkoff Program... Read more
USDA Seeks Organizations to Nominate Members to the American Lamb Board
The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) is accepting applications from lamb producers, seedstock producers, feeders or first handler organizations interested in nominating members to the American... Read more
USDA Seeks Organizations to Nominate Members to the Cattlemen’s Beef Promotion and Research Board
The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) is accepting applications from state cattle associations or state general farm organizations interested in nominating beef, dairy or veal producers or... Read more
USDA Seeks National Softwood Lumber Board Nominees
The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) seeks nominations for the Softwood Lumber Board to fill seats for five members and four alternates whose terms begin Jan. 1, 2026. Nomination applications are... Read more
USDA Seeks Comments on Revisions to the United States Classes, Standards, and Grades for Poultry
Today, the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) Agricultural Marketing Service (AMS) announced it is seeking input from the public and stakeholders on how the U.S. Classes, Standards, and Grades for... Read more
USDA Issues Final Rule on Amendments to the Federal Milk Marketing Orders
Today, the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) Agricultural Marketing Service (AMS) announced a final rule amending the uniform pricing formulas applicable in all 11 Federal milk marketing orders... Read more